(15) Telecom over the Edge: Will Telcos Shift to Multi-Cloud | LinkedIn



Multi-cloud can be a great solution for many essential business requirements. Let’s discuss those uses and briefly address the benefits of multi-cloud for telcos.

  1. Multi-cloud allows telcos to pool the benefits of different cloud providers into a unified system that can be customized according to the company’s changing needs.
  2. Telecom companies are not tied to a single cloud provider. They get reduced risk of vendor lock-in and the ability to choose vendors for each workload, if needed.
  3. Avoiding the enormous switching costs associated with leaving an entrenched service provider is a major benefit of this strategy. It also offers a backup plan in case the primary vendor has significant technical issues or, even worse, goes out of business entirely.

Multi-cloud adoption has been growing rapidly over the past few years, and the telecom industry is rapidly moving towards adopting a multi-cloud strategy to stay competitive. According to the IBM research, this year, organizations expect to be using at least 10 clouds from even more vendors than before. The telecom sector is among the most eager adopters of a multi-cloud strategy, along with the insurance industry.