World first: UK Power Networks to use Vodafone 5G in smart substations

If rolled out across the UK, the solution being trialed in Constellation could save 63,702 tonnes of CO2 by 2050 – equivalent to the carbon emissions of 38,607 return flights from London to New York.

The smart substations needed to manage the electricity network in real time will communicate with each other over a dedicated, highly secure slice of Vodafone’s 5G Standalone (5G SA) network.

Once substations are connected using 5G – which is up to 100 times faster than 3G and ten times faster than 4G – each substation will be able to analyse millions of data points and manage the network to run more efficiently.

If rolled out across the UK, the solution being trialed in Constellation could save 63,702 tonnes of CO2 by 2050 – equivalent to the carbon emissions of 38,607 return flights from London to New York.

The smart substations needed to manage the electricity network in real time will communicate with each other over a dedicated, highly secure slice of Vodafone’s 5G Standalone (5G SA) network.

Once substations are connected using 5G – which is up to 100 times faster than 3G and ten times faster than 4G – each substation will be able to analyse millions of data points and manage the network to run more efficiently.