Telecommunications specifically consumes 2-3% of the global electricity supply - Network Energy Reduction A Spur to Radical Innovation

6GWorld Newsletter




Gabriele ELIA
Technology & Innovation

Innovation, IPR, Standardization & Portfolio

Head Technology Communication & Standardization



TIM - Uso Interno - Tutti i diritti riservati.

From: 6GWorld <>
Sent: giovedì 20 gennaio 2022 15:35
To: Elia Gabriele <>
Subject: [EXT] 6GWorld Newsletter


6GWorld is your essential destination for trusted news and analysis on innovation en route to 6G.



Network Energy Reduction A Spur to Radical Innovation

Governments around the world are feeding their ideas and requests into the ITU ready for June’s publication of their IMT-2030 vision paper. One of the biggest challenges facing the planet is improved sustainability, which places hitherto unknown kinds of demand on future telecoms networks. How can we drastically improve connectivity while drastically lowering energy usage? Only by revisiting some fundamental ideas.


  • In Figures: “Telecommunications specifically consumes 2-3% of the global electricity supply. The broader ICT industry currently consumes 5-9%, but with the rapid growth in digitization this may rise up to 20% by 2030.” – Green G: The Path Towards Sustainable 6G