
IDC predicts quantum computing market at $8.6 billion in 2027

Open Innovation Outlook Italy – 2021 | Mind the Bridge

Juniper Research: 5G to Generate 77% of Global Operator Revenue by 2026, as Operators Benefit from Exponential Cellular Data Growth | Business Wire

USD 6.61 bn Growth in Military Communication Market | Increasing Use of IoT Devices to Drive Growth | Technavio

Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud Trends 202 - 6 Trillion $ in 2026

global edge computing market size was valued at $4.7 billion in 2020, and it predicts the market will expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 38.4% between 2021 and 2028.

Samsung to pick Taylor, Texas, for its $17 bln chip plant

TLC vendor: ai primi 7 l'80% del mercato mondiale

UK Telecoms sector R&D spending surpasses £1 billion (+44£ in 2020))

in the United States, there were 1.4 million unfilled software developer jobs at the end of 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, with only 400,000 graduates in the field a year.

How will 5G impact telcos' carbon footprint? -ICT sector is responsible for between 3% and 4% of global CO2 emissions,

Clamour for the cloud writ large as hyperscalers double their data centre capacity - 50% negli USA

A Torino ci sono 543 Startup e PMI innovative

850 reti private 5G bt China Telecom , target 1000 entro fine anno

China aims to triple the number of 5G base stations by end-2025 to 3.64 million

5G Fixed Wireless Access Could Serve Nearly Half of U.S. Rural Households with High-Speed Broadband, New Study Finds

Traffic, spectrum and site density in the 5G era